Radio Frequency (RF) Microneedling with the Lutronic Genius

The Lutronic Genius is a cutting edge radiofrequency mirconeedling system that has revolutionized skin rejuvenation and tightening procedures. FDA approved for skin tightening, this energy system will stimulate the natural production of collagen and elastin for a smoother, firmer, more refreshed appearance. Many patients enjoy immediate results with this energy treatment.

The Genius uses tiny needles to deliver RF energy at precisely the correct depths in the skin to stimulate collagen growth and improve both surface laxity and texture. With topical anesthetic and nitrous oxide available, this non-surgical procedure is comfortable and you’ll have minimal downtime.

  • Tightens skin for a younger, smoother, appearance

  • Provides lift to the eye area for a refreshed look

  • Reduces appearance of acne scars and other blemishes

  • Natural results that leave your skin looking revitalized

Our expert aesthetic providers Diana Born, ARNP or Susan Lynch, would love the opportunity to sit down with you for a consultation and discuss potential results you would see with the Genius RF system technology.

Before and After Photos

Common Questions

Q: How does the treatment feel?

A: You will feel some heat and pressure during the treatment. We will work with you prior to the procedure to maximize your comfort by utilizing both numbing cream and/or nitrous oxide.

Q: How long does the treatment take and how many will I need?

A: Most treatments will take anywhere from 30-45 minutes, depending on the area being treated. We will work with you to develop your optimal treatment plan to determine the number of treatments you will need.

Q: Is there any downtime?

A: You may experience some initial redness and swelling, which should substantially subside within 24-48 hours, at which time you can safely wear makeup and resume normal daily activities.

Q: How long before I see results?

A: While you will see visible improvement in as little as a few days after being treated, your body will continue to build collagen for several weeks, creating visible results over the next 3-6 months.