IPL - Intense Pulsed Light (Laser Rejuvenation) Treatment

Rejuvenate your skin with a Lumenis M22 IPL or ResurFx Laser treatment. In expert hands these systems work wonders on skin imperfections to give you a healthier, cleaner, more vibrant look. Gentle, safe, and effective with minimal to no down time (can get treated during lunch and apply make up immediately). Our owner and provider Susan Lynch PA-C and her team are extremely talented with this system. She has over 13 years experience performing laser treatments.

The Lumenis M22 IPL treats a wide range of skin conditions:

  • Skin discoloration and blemishes due to aging & sun damage

  • Visible signs of aging, fine lines & wrinkles

  • Vascular issues like broken capillaries & rosacea

  • Sun spots, freckles, birth marks & melasma

  • Improve skin tone and appearance


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IPL light penetrates down to the second layer(dermis) of skin, without harming the top layer (epidermis). This stimulates collagen and elastin fibers which result in a visible improvement of your skin’s tone and overall appearance. Our experts have a combined 15 years experience with this IPL platform. Schedule your consultation with Susan or Diana today.